Page 14 - WashingtonSyCip_Bio_Excerpt_LastChapter_2nd_Edition
P. 14

Postscript                                               A Good Night’s Sleep

             The COVID-19 pandemic has affected operations and outcomes, but CARD MRI
             is  inching its  way  back to  that  99% peak.  It helped  that Wash  pushed  them to
             digitize, and clients can now pay their loans online. Sari-sari stores supplied by mini-
             supermarkets are next on the list.

             “We’ve mastered microfinance. We already know how to give loans to the poor and
             bring them up to eradicate poverty,” says Aris. “We already know how to provide micro-
             insurance. Now we need to strengthen marketing, to help them market their products.”

             All this is part of Wash SyCip’s legacy, born out of his concern for the poor. “He gave
             us the ideas and the means to reach the poor. He lent us his credibility, his stamp of
             excellence. When he came to my retirement party, he was 96. I knew then that there
             was no retirement from helping the poor.”

             Developing Asia’s business leaders

             At the other end of the educational spectrum, Wash also had a special place in his
             heart for the Asian Institute of Management or AIM, which he had helped to establish
             in 1968 to become the region’s leader in business education. Along with an educated
             citizenry, genuine development for Wash required a strong economy and capable
             business leaders, and AIM was one of the best ways to develop that managerial elite.

             Dr. Jikyeong Kang came to Manila in 2015 to serve as dean and then president of AIM.
             A native of South Korea, Jikyeong had moved back to Asia from a distinguished teaching
             career in Europe and the UK to take the helm of AIM, which was operating in a much
             more competitive and challenging environment than it faced a few decades earlier.

             Her predecessor, Dr. Steven DeKrey, took her to meet Wash in the latter’s office,
             and immediately he left her with an unforgettable impression. “He was impressive
             in terms of what he remembered, what he chose to talk about, how he put a story
             together, and the way he shared his viewpoints,” Jikyeong recalls. She was also amazed
             by his prodigious memory, which could go back in sharp detail to his early boyhood
             in Shanghai.

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